Market Panorama: Analysing the FTTH Landscape in Europe

A comprehensive overview of the FTTH market panorama, including market dynamics, growth trajectories, and rankings. Learn more!

The Evolving FTTH Market in Europe 

As Europe accelerates its digital transformation, a robust and reliable internet infrastructure emerges as the cornerstone of this shift. Central to this infrastructure are the Fibre to the Home and Fibre to the Building (FTTB) technologies. A closer examination of the FTTH landscape reveals a sector experiencing significant evolution.  

Keep reading to discover the transformative journey that 2022 undertook and the promising future that lies ahead. 

A Year of Significant Growth 

The past year has witnessed a remarkable surge in FTTH and FTTB deployment across the EU39 region*. The growth trajectory is undeniable: the number of homes passed in 2022 compared to the previous year paints a picture of an industry on the rise.  

In September 2022, the EU39 witnessed a surge in connectivity, with 219 million homes passed with FTTH and FTTB services, marking a relevant increase from the approximately 198,4 million homes recorded in September 2021. 

The Fibre Landscape in Europe: A Comprehensive Overview 

As the tapestry of Europe's digital infrastructure evolves, the threads of FTTH/B weave a compelling narrative. Such an intricate web of connectivity not only underscores the continent's commitment to technological advancement but also highlights the challenges and triumphs faced by individual nations.  

Growth Trajectories and Rankings: Fibre Deployment in EU27+UK and EU39 

The data spanning from September 2018 to September 2022 offers insights into the fastest-growing markets in terms of both volume and percentage growth for Fibre Sockets Deployed across the EU27 and the UK. 

In the realm of FTTH market trends, the United Kingdom leads the charge with an impressive addition of 4,2 million homes, closely followed by France's 3,5 million, Turkey's 2,9 million, and Italy's 2,1 million. 

Belgium tops the annual growth chart with a 60% increase in homes passed. The United Kingdom trails closely with 51%, followed by Serbia at 40%, the Netherlands at 34,7%, and Greece at 34,5%. The FTTH/B coverage in the EU39 has risen to 62,2%, marking a 5% increase from 2021.  

Moreover, the EU27+UK has now covered over half of its total homes, standing at 55,1%, a significant leap from 48,5% in 2021. This consistent growth underscores the sustained momentum in the sector over the past few years.  

The Impact of War on Ukraine's Fibre Networks 

Ukraine's commitment to improving its digital infrastructure is evident in its impressive Fibre to the Home and Building coverage. By September 2022, approximately 67% of total homes in Ukraine were connected.  

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has cast a shadow of uncertainty over its Fibre to the Home and Building networks. As of September 2022, the precise extent of the damage inflicted by the war on these networks remains a matter of speculation. Despite the adversities, significant efforts are underway to sustain and rehabilitate the network infrastructure; however, the timeline for a full restoration remains uncertain. 

Subscription Dynamics in European Households 

A nuanced understanding of the Fibre to the Home and Building landscape and FTTH market panorama also requires a look at data on European households with and without subscriptions. This perspective offers insights into user adoption and market penetration across the continent. 

When considering homes yet to be connected, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Italy have their work cut out: the three of them have 89 million households without a subscription to FTTH/B services, which represents 55% of the total EU27 households without a subscription. 

Such a vast number of unconnected homes presents a golden opportunity for service providers, investors, and policymakers. Tapping into this untouched market can lead to increased revenue streams, enhanced infrastructure development, and a boost in overall digital connectivity for the region. Moreover, as the global digital landscape continues to evolve, ensuring that these homes are connected will be crucial in maintaining the EU's competitive edge in the digital economy. 

Stay Connected with the FTTH Council Europe 

If you're keen on staying ahead of the curve in the Fibre to the Home and Fibre to the Building sectors, the FTTH Council Europe is your go-to source for a wealth of insights.  

Joining the FTTH Council Europe allows you to collaborate with leading industry professionals, gain access to invaluable knowledge, and benefit from a platform designed for networking with pioneers in the field. Deepen your expertise and strengthen your position in the field of fibre connectivity through your association with the FTTH Council Europe. 


-EU39: 27 members of the European Union plus the United Kingdom, four CIS nations, Iceland, Israel, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, and Turkey are referred to as the EU39. 

- Data in this article refers to figures at September 2022 


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