Austrian FiberDay 2022 – “FTTH Facts & Figures: Where is Austria compared to other countries?”

EventAustrian FiberDay 2022 –“ FTTH Facts & Figures: Where is Austria compared to other countries?”
SpeakerVincent Garnier Director General
Date and time22 September 2022, 9:00 CEST
LocationLinz, Austria
OrganiserCMG-AE, OFAA

The FiberDay 2022 is the leading fiber optic event in Austria since 9 years, with about 300 participants and 30 exhibitors. The event provides a platform to exchange the latest findings in the fiber optic topics in Austria and is hosted by the state of Upper Austria, the new BBOÖ Breitband Oberösterreich GmbH and Energie AG OÖ, whose board members and managing directors will be present onsite.

Our Director General Vincent Garnier took part in the event as a keynote speaker, touching upon several topics of interest for the audience such as a summary of the FTTH Conference in Austria in May 2022, an update on the latest fibre market figures in the country, together with a comparison with other European countries, and finally providing some forecasts over the evolution of the fibre Market in the short and long term.

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