Panel session at BREKO’s Fiberdays 2024

Event: BREKO Fiberdays 2024
Speaker: Arturs Alksnis - Public Affairs Director
Date: 27 February, 2024
Location: RheinMain CongressCenter Wiesbaden
Organiser: BREKO

What can Germany learn from other EU Member States, when it comes to successfully rolling out fibre and ensuring subscribers’ take-up? On the occasion of BREKO’s Fiberdays 2024, our Public Affairs Director, Arturs Alksnis, joined by prominent representatives from InfraNum, EWE, and Fiberalliancen, to discuss regulatory best practices and successful policies implementation to boost FTTH in the German market, currently the biggest market in Europe.

We would like to express our appreciation to the organisers of @fiberdays. 
Keep following us and stay tuned for more to come in our mission to improve #fibre connectivity across Europe, with the most highlighte one the FTTH Conference. 

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